Home » Violet October » Violet’s Valiant Escape from Cuff and Strap Bondage

Violet’s Valiant Escape from Cuff and Strap Bondage


7 Minute Video


Violet October is in an intriguing situation. She’s on her back with her wrists cuffed underneath her black booted nylon-sheathed legs, which are also bound together with black straps. Laying on a black floor, also wearing black bra, panties, and garters, she indeed seems enfolded in a black zone of bondage. We can hear the crisp sound of the twisting of the leather straps as she moves, along with her sighs. After initial discouragement, her fingers really get to work and she starts to make progress. With the jingling of the metal buckles and the heavy thump of the cuffs onto the floor, the cute blonde gradually emerges from her intricate captivity. Once she gets her arms out from under her legs, it’s smoother sailing. She slides off the straps with determination one by one, and there are a lot to keep her busy even as she pants in evident relief till she finally crawls away free from her bondage!